Swalec’s Aardwolf Plugins

Please read this note here.

This is a website describing my Aardwolf Mushclient plugins, which I created out as a place for downloads. There is a blog for new releases here to which you might wish to subscribe.

You can comment on these plugins here, if you choose, or send me a note on personal in-game, or even through the MUSHclient forums, although I might not seem it there. Use of these plugins is free; they are released under the same license as Lua.

If you like them, please feel free to send me something nice in mud. I could always use more qps; remember me at rauction!

All files may be downloaded from the googlecode.



Uses the hunt command to find a particular mob.

There are a couple of plugins which do this already. My version has a slightly different interface; you can use plain hunt to find the correct name of the mob first. Autohunt will follow the last hunted mob.

Autohunt will open doors if they are visible. It will also stop if you get stuck, need to fly, meet a locked door or start fighting. Typing autohunt will start the process again.


Navigates through mazes as quickly as possible. While, the player has to describe the rooms in the maze first, this is relatively straight-forward.

I’ve had discussions as to whether this plugin is legal; I think it is legal, but this might be borderline. Use at your own risk. I’ll withdraw this plugin if it is judged to be illegal.

More details available.


The srun plugin is supplements Aardwolf’s own runto command, but it’s quicker and extensible. This plugin is complex enough that it has it’s own documentation.

Room Locator

Remembers the locations that you have been and allows you to search them. This works pretty well. I tend to use Gaardian’s room database which came out after I wrote this. It has better coverage, as my coverage only works in areas you have already been to. The plugin, however, is in-game and quicker, so both are worthwhile.

Exits Detector

This is a support plugin which is useful for other plugins; it detects exits and room names and broadcasts these to other plugins.

7 Responses to “Swalec’s Aardwolf Plugins”

  1. bendis Says:


    Could you please describe briefly how to use the automaze plugin?

    Thanks in advance

  2. bendis Says:


    I think I discovered a bug in your exits detector plugin. Whenever I’m trying to enter a room for which i need flying (the mud message is: You can only fly there.) the client crashes. I’ve made several tests and it only crashes when the exits detector plugin is enabled.

    It also crashes sometimes when i try to open a door which is locked and i’m missing the key. I can’t reproduce 100% the second instance though.


    • swalec Says:

      I’m afraid I need more information to make sense of this. When you say “the client crashes”, what do you mean? Mushclient exits totally?
      Do you get an any error messages? Exactly what does it say in window.

      Likewise for the second question. It shouldn’t be doing anything at all when the key is missing. Exits detector just works out
      when the door is closed, not locked.

      Finally, can you be sure that you are using the most recent version.

      Thanks for reporting the error!


  3. bendis Says:

    Yes, I mean the mushclient exits totally. I’m on Vista if that matters.
    I can replicate it 100%: if I’m not flying and trying to enter a room which needs it the client crashes. No visible error message.

    I have the latest version: date_written=”2008-10-30 19:38:12″

    When the door is closed it works. It has problems when the door is locked. But this I can’t replicate all the time.


    • swalec Says:

      I’m afraid that this is going to be nearly impossible for me to debug. I don’t get this behaviour and with
      no error messages I have nothing to go on. Have you tried the mushclient forums? If the client exists
      and crashes, then this is a mushclient bug, even if it’s triggered by my plugin.

  4. bendis Says:

    I solved it! This is the weirdest bug I’ve seen.
    It’s cause by the underline in the messages referring to missing key, flying and quicksand:


    I changed to:


    And now it works!

    My guess this has to do with the fonts I use. I’ve tried it with courier new, fixdeys and bitstream. What font are you using Swalec?

    Btw, thank you for your responses so far.

    • swalec Says:

      Well, that’s the strangest thing.

      I’ve removed the “make_underline” from my copy of the code (it will update on the website at some point). It shouldn’t really be in there as
      this is not a plugin with a user interface. I wrote this plugin a while back (excuses, excuses).

      In answer to your question about fonts, I’m using fixedsys 9pt on the one vista machine I use. Most of the rest of the time
      I am running under wine, so it probably doesn’t make any difference. Which is strange because it’s one of the ones you
      suggest. You have a recent mush?

      Thanks for chasing this down; as I said, there’s nothing I could do toward solving this, without being able
      to replicate.


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